There are business naming restrictions to be aware of when forming an LLC in New York.
First, all LLC names must be distinguishable from other LLC names already on file with the New York Department of State. We do a name availability search prior to every LLC formation, which can help prevent naming issues, conflicts, processing delays, etc. You may also want to consider contacting our sister company Total Trademarks to determine if the LLC Name can be trademarked.
Second, all business entity names must include the appropriate designation. For example, all limited liability company names must end in the words Limited Liability Company or LLC.
If you’re forming a professional entity such as a Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC) additional naming restrictions will apply depending on your profession. For example, doctors seeking to form a medical practice in NYS must obtain a Certificate of Authority from the NYS Office of the Professions and they will not permit the use of the words: Cure, Healing, International, Management Co., National, Network, Partners, Spa, Center, Clinic, or Hospital in the company name. Words that suggest superiority are also prohibited from use in professional entities such as: Advanced, Best, Exceptional, Super, Premier, Outstanding, etc.
Lastly, the name of every LLC may not include a restricted word or phrase, unless a special circumstance applies. Some examples of restricted words are: academy, annuity, assurance, attorney, bank, benefit, blind, board of trade, casualty, college, conservatory, corporation, cooperative, council, doctor, education, elementary, endowment, exchange, fidelity, finance, guaranty, handicapped, historical, indemnity, insurance, investment, lawyer, mortgage, partnership, school, surety, union, and university.
The above list is not comprehensive, but you get the idea of why these types of terms need to be regulated. Seem like a lot of to consider? It is, but we’re very experienced in this process. Send us an email if you’re setting up an LLC and we’d be happy to schedule a free phone consultation regarding how we can help.